28/09/08 Madhuban Avyakt BapDada Om shanti 23/01/70

Methods to attain success in service.

Do you experience being compelled to speak simply because of service? When service finishes, the stage of coming into sound will also finish. (A party from Bombay was taking directions from BapDada about a conference that was to take place there.) What speciality is needed in the service that you are doing nowadays? You have been giving lectures for many years anyway, but what avyakt consciousness do you now have to fill the lectures with so that, while you are speaking, everyone has the experience that you are speaking in a bodiless stage, beyond sound. Now, there should be this newness in this conference. Those speakers should appear to be visibly different from the Brahmin speakers even from a distance. Only then will the conference be successful. Even if a new person comes into the gathering, he should have the feeling, even from a distance, that the speaker is a unique person. Others have the power of speech that simply remains a pleasure for the ears. However, whatever you say, while stable in an avyakt stage should not only be pleasing to the ears, but it should also be pleasing to the mind. There are many who relate things that simply please the ears, but until now, there has been no one in the world who can give that sweetness to the mind. The Father has revealed Himself to you children, but you children now have to be revealed to the world outside. So, this conference should not take place in an ordinary way. Also mention in the meeting that the pictures should also seem to be alive. Just as the living being makes the corporeal feelings clear, in the same way, the pictures should become alive and grant visions. When a picture is life-like it reveals real feelings and is liked by everyone. It is not a question of superficial art, but, with the superficial, the internal (inner feelings portrayed) should be the same. BapDada wishes to see this newness. Speaking less should in itself perform a great task. This is the system and custom of Brahmins. Pay attention to how you can make this conference unique. There should be subtle life in the images too, so that people are able to feel that from a distance. Otherwise, how will so many subjects be created? The subjects that are created are not created just through words, but through the internal stage; only that is called the experience of internal happiness. All of you have seen the result up to now of how those who came through the avyakt stage have continued to move along easily from the beginning and are free from obstacles. However, it is seen that those who have continued to move along on the basis of something else as well as the avyakt stage have had many obstacles and difficulties etc and have had to make hard effort. Therefore, now create such subjects who, on the basis of the foundation of an avyakt stage, easily attain their aim in a short time. To the extent that you remain an easy effort-maker, and in an avyakt powerful stage, so you will be able to make others similar to yourself. So, we shall now see the result of this conference. The conference can be on any topic, but your stage should be of the top level. If your stage is of the top level, you can adjust the topic accordingly. Success is not dependent on the lectures, but on your stage. Lectures mean being an expert in the use of language, and there are many such people in the world, but you are the only ones who will give the experience of power within the soul. So you now have to bring about this newness. When you perform any task, it is first essential to make the atmosphere subtle. Just as you pay attention to all the other decorations, in the same way, this is the main decoration. However, what happens is that while you are moving along, there is too much extroversion. Therefore, because of that last atmosphere, you do not have the result that you want. You people think a great deal: “We will do this; we will do it like this”, but at the last moment, while seeing the task, you come into extroversion. Any way, those who listen say at that time that it is very good, but then they too very quickly become extroverted. This is why you should have such a programme that anyone who comes first experiences the subtle influence. This is the method for success of the conference. You will have to create this atmosphere a few days prior to the conference. It isn't that you have to create it on just that day. Only when you purify the atmosphere will newness be visible. You were able to see the spirituality in the corporeal body even from a distance, were you not? So, there should be spirituality visible in the corporeal bodies of the children.

If the result of the press conference is good, you can go ahead with the conference, but you first have to meet them and make them your helpers. This is very essential. It makes a lot of difference whether you make them do something at the time of need, or you make them your helpers before the time of need. Mostly, attention is paid at the appropriate time. Now, if you keep the line of your intellect clear, everything will become clear. Just as in your exhibition you receive an answer when you put the switch on, in the same way, when the line of effort is clear, as soon as you press the switch of thoughts, that too happens practically. You will continue to have such an experience. You simply need the power to control waste thoughts. Because of having waste thoughts, whether you call it an original inspiration from BapDada, or a pure response you receive, they become mixed because there are too many waste thoughts. If you have the power to control wasteful thoughts, you will be able to see that response clearly. In the same way, if the intellect is a ‘translight’, then every response becomes clear and accurate, not mixed. Those who do not have wasteful thoughts can increase their avyakt stage a lot more. You should have pure thoughts, but you must also have the power to control them. In the majority of you the storms of wasteful thoughts are greater.

Before you begin a task, a very good sample is created. Keep the sample of this conference in front of everyone. Give the experience of what the avyakt stage is. Everyone should see the clock of the time in your activity. You are going as the clock of time. Just as sakar Baba became the clock of time, in the same way, while having a body, you have to strike the hour of the avyakt stage. This is the best service of all. You have to teach everyone the practical lesson of the experience of the avyakt stage while in the corporeal body. Achcha.

You have to become a bead and be threaded in the thread of the rosary of the love of BapDada and the divine family. You should have the intoxication: "I am a bead that is threaded in the thread of love." Where are beads kept? The beads of a rosary are kept with great care and cleanliness. People take them up with great care and cleanliness. You have to consider yourself to be such an invaluable jewel. (Someone asked for advice on service.) They will not be served through words, but they will be drawn to you when your activity makes an impact and they see change. Some have arrogance. So their arrogance of words would come into conflict with your words, but they would not be able to come into conflict with your practical life. Therefore, this is the tool with which to explain to such people. Make the atmosphere subtle. You should make the atmosphere at all the centres very magnetic so that whoever comes will only be able to see the subtle region. Anyone should experience from a distance this light in the middle of the house. A light gives light from a distance. It draws everything to itself. So, only when you are as visible as a light will there be success.

Having come to the avyakt bhatthi do you experience the avyakt stage? What will you do with the experiences that you have here? Will you take them with you or will you leave them behind? Make them such companions that no matter how much someone tries to separate you from this avyakt attraction, they are not able to do so. Have you made your lokik family into an alokik family? There shouldn't be the slightest lokik awareness. When you shed one body and take another, you are not aware of anything of the previous birth. So, here, also, you have died a living death. So your vision and attitude of the previous birth should be finished in the same way. Alokik service takes place only when you fill the lokik with spirituality. What alokik service do you do? You are doing the service of forging a connection of the soul with the Powerhouse. When a connection has to be made between two wires, the rubber insulation first has to be removed. In the same way, your first task is to consider yourself to be a soul and become detached from the awareness of the body, and then make others detached from the consciousness of their bodies. How many main subjects do you have here, and what are they? There are four main subjects - knowledge, yoga, dharna and service. Which is the main subject in that? Have you accumulated a stock of peace from here? Do you know how you can receive blessings? The more soul conscious you become the more blessings you receive even without asking. You do not receive blessings in a physical way. Here, you receive them automatically. If you did not have blessings from BapDada, how could you have reached this far? BapDada gives blessings to the children at every second. However, those who take these blessings keep that many with themselves eternally. Achcha.

Avyakt BapDada meeting different groups:

Do you have any other companion? Who is the Partner who remains with you constantly? If you constantly stay in the combined form here, you will rule the kingdom in the combined form there. Therefore, never become separated from your Partner. Just as the four-armed image is combined, in the same way, this Partner is also combined. Never let Shiv Baba be separated from you. In the 84 births, have you ever seen such a partner? Out of your 84 partners, did you ever find such a partner? So you should keep the One you find only once in the whole cycle with you all the time, should you not? Now remember that you are a couple; you are not alone. Just as you are hard workers in physical tasks, are you hard workers in the stage of the mind? So much so that you never melt under any circumstance? Hard things do not melt. In this same way, both your stage and your actions should be firm. The One for whom you have deep love is always kept with you. Always think: I am an image that is combined. If your Partner is with you, Maya will not be able to come. To consider yourself to be the combined image is the greatest yukti. When you keep Baba with yourself at every step, there is courage, there is power and so Maya does not come.

All of you are Godly students. Having become double students, what aim have you kept for the future? What do you consider to be an elevated status? Will you become Lakshmi or Narayan? According to the aim you keep, what else do you have to imbibe together with the aim? Aim means to have divine virtues. Since you have such an elevated aim, you also have to pay attention to imbibing such an elevated character. A young kumari can perform a great task. If you stabilise yourself in your practical stage, and explain to someone, then the influence of that will be greater than that of an adult. Always keep this aim: I, a young one, have to carry out a very great task. Your body may be small, but the power of the soul is great. Someone who has a desire to make more effort also receives help. Simply keep your desire determined and then you will receive determined help. No matter how much someone tries to shake you, keep this aim very firm. If your thought is firm, then such a world will be created. You may continue with worldly service, because worldly service is also a method with which you can do service. Think that this service is an instrument to give the message to whatever souls come into relationship with you. Many souls come into connection with you while you are doing the lokik service. Those who came here were also sent to their relatives for service, were they not? So think that you are doing worldly service in order to do this service, and then you will be able to engage your mind in that and you will also earn an income. Do lokik service considering it to be alokik and you will not then be affected by any other atmosphere. As you begin to reach your avyakt stage, your speaking will become less. By speaking less, there will be greater benefit, and you will then do service with that power of yoga. The power of yoga and the power of knowledge are both together. At the moment, service is being done with the power of knowledge, whereas the power of yoga is incognito. However, the more you make the power of yoga and the power of knowledge equal, the more success there will be. Throughout the day, check: To what extent was there the power of yoga and to what extent was there the power of knowledge? And then you will know the difference. When you become busy in service, obstacles etc. will also be removed. There cannot be any hindrance when there is determined faith. You are moving forward well. You have both virtues of tirelessness and consistency. Always follow the father. Just as the corporeal form showed the example of being tireless and consistent, become an example for others in the same way. This is service. You may not have time for service, but you can do service through your activity. Service takes place through your activity, not only through words. Your activity will remind others of the Father without an image. This is easy service, is it not? Some people or some wives keep a picture of their guru or their husband in a locket; it is a sign of love. Similarly your forehead should show the activity of the One without an image. Your eyes should show an image of the One without an image. Wear such an eternal locket. Through this, you will be aware of yourself and there will also be service.